Many Positive Changes


“Since my work with Francoise about 2 months ago, there has been many positive changes in our lives and the overall feeling in the house has a positive effect on all family members. My daughter is now sleeping much more restfully and enjoys being in her room. The living room has a cozy feel to it as well as the master bedroom. All family members are experiencing more contentment and peace. For me as a mother of teens I have found that I am now coming from a much more powerful place which allows me to relax and enjoy life instead of trying to control life. We feel more supported and loved by friends and family. Financially things are beginning to unravel and slowly change to a more stable life. I am sure there are things still to come as we continue on this path with Francoise. She is wonderful to work with and very in tune with her clients needs. Her solutions are easy and possible on any budget. Thank you Francoise!”

Ruth R. 
Atlanta, Georgia

Honors, Awards & Affiliations

Honorary Doctorate in Oriental Learning

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